Triana’s Story

Triana Throp, Founder of Selki Store

“Don’t be afraid to make the most of every opportunity which comes your way!”

Triana graduated from Stirling in 2022 with an MSc in Aquaculture. Triana recently joined our founder community at The Hive (the university’s business incubator). We hope her story will inspire you as much as it inspires us to continue supporting founders like her:

Q. Tell us a bit about your entrepreneurial journey?
I have always been very creative, but I didn’t think that it would lead to me starting my own business. When the pandemic hit, I was studying at the University of Stirling and found I had a bit of extra time on my hands. My sister has endometriosis and asked if I could design a heat-pack which she could tie around her waist. We sat at the kitchen table sewing and designing and then tested our designs in Facebook groups. This is how Selki Store was created.
Although I had no experience of building a business, I was keen to listen and learn from others further down the line of creating a successful business. I have found that building a business takes more determination than I realised I had. My passion for creating a business that helps other people together with the amazing customer feedback I get about the difference our products make to people’s lives keep me motivated when times are tough.

Q. Can you tell us a bit more about your business?
Selki Store is a small Scottish business which hand makes a range of high-quality heat-packs designed to help people manage chronic pain. Our most popular product is the SelkiBelt, originally designed for period pain but has been used by our customers for so many different visible and invisible illnesses and chronic pain conditions.
All our products are individually designed to be something people enjoy wearing but most importantly as a tool to enable people to be able to function either at work or in their day-to-day life. We felt it was also important to create a safe and welcoming online presence for people to share experiences and discus living with and managing chronic pain. We use our social media platforms and Facebook groups to increase awareness of chronic pain conditions, their effects on people’s everyday lives and share ideas about how to better manage the pain and lead the best life possible.

Q. What motivated you to start your own business?
The pandemic gave me the time to think about starting a business, but I think I was always meant to be my own boss. I enjoy throwing myself into the business and working hard and seeing the business grow. It’s really satisfying and so to see where the business journey takes me.

Q. What has been one of the biggest challenges you had to overcome so far?
Starting your own business comes with its stresses and it’s not for people that like to know what they are doing each day as there are always surprises to respond to. Quickly learning a huge number of skills in a very short period has been one of the main challenges. I have had to learn how to business plan, design and produce products, buy materials and how to make the most of social media to promote our products.
There have been several big challenges building the business to where it is now, and we are constantly working through new challenges (which is one of the things I love about running my own business). To be competitive we need to buy our materials in bulk, and this requires a large initial outlay. Investment is key to developing a business and making it profitable but raising funds and managing cash flow are major challenges.

Q. What has been the most rewarding aspect of your journey?
We regularly receive messages and emails from our customers to let us know that our products have improved their quality of life. It means a lot to know that my work is doing something positive in the world.
We love receiving the hugely positive feedback from our customers! People often take the time to send us messages letting us know how our products have helped them get to work, manage their pain and be able to continue doing all the ordinary things we take for granted when you do not live with chronic pain. It makes it all worthwhile!

Q. How has The Enterprise Programme contributed to your success?
It has connected me to a community of other founders which has been really inspiring and supportive. It has also given me access to a huge amount of training and funding opportunities as well as the amazing staff within the EP.

Q. What is one piece of advice you would give to aspiring entrepreneurs?
“Don’t be afraid to make the most of every opportunity which comes your way!”

Are you inspired by Triana’s story? Get in touch with the Enterprise Programme to find out how we can support your idea!

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